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My approach to coaching is solution driven. We work together to develop a solution for your goals.With this style of coaching, I will constantly support you during your journey to give you an intentional plan and accountability to see your goals through.

We will focus on your peak performance in life. I utilize proven techniques to assist clients in setting and attaining next level goals, developing leadership skills, enhancing productivity and boosting motivation. If you desire to perform higher or you already are and you need accountability to continue.  Request to book a consultation call today.

Total cost monthly: $250

$125 each session

Consultation: Non - refundable $50 *goes towards your first session

In this session you will receive bi-weekly one on one coaching calls with me, your intentional strategy plan specifically for you, and action items to complete and also document for progression.

Do you desire more meaning, fulfillment and inner peace in your life? I offer self-relationship coaching to help you transform your relationship with yourself and live in alignment with your true purpose. 

Together we will cover aspects like health, relationships, career ways to use your voice. 


Total cost monthly: $250

$125 each session

Consultation: Non - refundable $50 *goes towards your first session

In this session you will receive bi-weekly one on one coaching calls with me, your intentional strategy plan specifically for you, and action items to complete and also document for progression.

Do you have clarity and just need to talk to Coach Channell to put action into place?  This session is for the woman that is already in momentum and just needs to partner to put together a gameplan. This is also used to plan your month or plan for the week. Schedule this session if you also need to get an idea out of your head and on paper. You will leave with steps to execute.

Cost: $100

This session is 45 minutes.

Full of action steps to get to it today!

No commitment 

No additional session required. 

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